Wetpour Colour Graphics in Clarencefield

Wetpour Colour Graphics in Clarencefield

Rubber wetpour play surfacing can be installed with coloured graphic designs to suit children of all ages by creating a fun activities area.

Rubber Playground Designs in Clarencefield

Rubber Playground Designs in Clarencefield

We can make bespoke designs for wetpour rubber play surfaces with educational games and cartoon pictures which allow children to participate in numerous outdoor activities.

Educational Wetpour Graphics in Clarencefield

Educational Wetpour Graphics in Clarencefield

Graphic designs with letter and number games can help children and enhance learning done in the classroom through fun and engaging outdoor games.

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Wet Pour Colour Graphics in Clarencefield

Wet pour colour graphics in Clarencefield DG1 4 are an ideal way to liven up your safety surfacing and create unique, professional designs that are aesthetically pleasing to both children and adults. The wide range of wetpour colours graphics available mean that each play area can be specific to the children.

For example at a swimming club near me, the play area flooring may have a blue water blend EPDM rubber finish containing related graphics such as fish, dolphins, frogs or sharks. As wetpour rubber surfacing could be used by children of all ages, choosing the right design to suit younger or older children is important. The wet pour images give you the freedom to design your playground in any way you choose and may even involve getting the children to design the play area themselves.


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What are Wetpour Colour Graphics?

Wetpour colour graphics are the excellent surface type used in a majority of playgrounds in Clarencefield DG1 4 to provide a very appealing look to parents and passers-by. This is very beneficial to a school because not only will parents and pedestrians notice it, but Ofsted also will. This means the school could be awarded additional marks as it show that they obviously care about their reputation and the pupils' safety. Wetpour is very safe and will be made to the appropriate CFH (Critical Fall Height) and FFH (Free Fall Height) meaning that it is very unlikely for pupils to injure themselves.

Wetpour Designs in Clarencefield

Wet pour is an excellent surface for the multi purposes of both looking good and keeping the children safe as it may be designed with a range of different wetpour designs. For example, a surface can be designed to fit a certain set of shapes or ideas ranging fomr something as simple as shapes to something as complex as fictional characters. We commonly tend to install educational facilities in Clarencefield to ensure that the school is given credit by Ofsted for engaging ther children and so that the children can learn whilst they have fun and socialise. It is important to maintain these in order to improve the Ofsted reports. For details on maintenance of wetpour click here http://playgroundrubbersafetysurfacing.co.uk/wetpour/wetpour-surfaces-maintenance/dumfries-and-galloway/clarencefield/ The many benefits that the fresh air can offer to children is excellent so without an engaging games design on the facility, the children are not given the opportunity to enjoy themselves outside with friends rather than inside. We can install games such as hopscotch that are more traditional or even more well-known games like snakes and ladders. It completely depends on the client's required specification.

Best Wet Pour Facilities Near Me

The insitu wetpour images are made up of EPDM rubber granules used in the wearing course of the areas. The designs are put into place before the final layer of rubberised wearing course is added to the system. This allows the rubberised designs to be placed in a very precise way, creating a professional and clean finish every time. The best wet pour facilities for rubber graphic inserts include:

  • Infant schools - Insert rubber pre-formed wetpour illustrations before insitu rubber wearing course.
  • Primary schools - Create unique designs with rubberised safety surfacing in playgrounds.
  • Secondary schools - Designs and specifications or rubberised crumb graphics that meet CFH.
  • Leisure centres - Specific permeable shapes to suit different topics or sports played.
  • Recreation areas - SUDS compliant safety wetpour images for playground surfaces in the UK.
  • Nurseries and Kindergarten - Graphics to aid learning for instance numbers, alphabet and other educational designs.

The wet pour rubberised illustrations are also available in many different colours including red, teal, yellow, different shades of green, blue and many more. If you would like a quote for installing the wetpour surface graphics closest to you, please fill in our quick enquiry form today and we'll discuss the costs in further detail.

Wetpour EPDM Graphic Inserts Near Me

wETPOUR EPDM graphic inserts are designed into wetpour areas where plain standard colours are not desirable. This is often the case with most play areas for kids in Clarencefield who require more to look at and can be especially useful for young children who are first starting out in education. Kindergarten and nursery facilities often have this kind of safety flooring installed, particularly where equipment is being used.

we have a number of graphics to choose from


The nearby impact absorbing surface helps to protect local kids and prevent any injuries. We also carry out testing of these services to ensure the surface and surrounding areas are safe. For details on testing please visit this page http://playgroundrubbersafetysurfacing.co.uk/testing/dumfries-and-galloway/clarencefield/ The design will allow you to add a theme to your playground or area for example you may choose to have a jungle theme with jungle animal graphics, you might want a roadway designs with traffic lights and zebra crossings or you might want to have educational graphics installed such as alphabet or number snakes or even an hopscotch, the options are endless.

Other Services We Offer

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As well as surfaces with images, we offer a range of other outdoor play flooring options which are specially designed to suit each individual area. We often install rubber grass mats which are installed onto natural grass areas to give extra safety properties for use with equipment like climbing frames, roundabouts, swings and slides. To find out about grass mats click here http://playgroundrubbersafetysurfacing.co.uk/grass-mat-surfacing/dumfries-and-galloway/clarencefield/ For more information on the design options of our porous wet pour colour graphics in Clarencefield DG1 4 do not hesitate to contact us. We can offer you advice on budget costs, specifications and the benefits of using the illustrations that we provide.

Covering DG1 4



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